Tech support monitor form

Use this form to record your monitoring data. Be sure to select yourself as monitoring agent.

1. Thanks customers for calling. Verify account info.
a. Member Number
b. Name
c. Phone
d. Email
2. Place a hold, review account
3. Address past due FIRST
a. Verifies if hosting is owed
b. Mentions owed amount and attemps to collect payment
c. If member cannot pay the amount, agent attempts payment plan
d. Verified secondary payment method for hosting
4. Listen to customers issue and ask probing questions. Identified what they wanted.
5. Verify what customer is trying to accomplish by repeating issue in your own words.
6. Was hold used to research or test if needed?
7. Was information given to the customer correct,did the AE know the information?
8. If videos is available did we direct member to the video?
9. Ask what else you can assist with
10. Closing script verbatim
a. Survey
a. Promotion
11. Overall, was the agent professional with the custoemr?
12. Was the account noteated correctly?
a. Notate the name of the person you spoke with
b. Complete & accurate notation of what happened during the call
b. Complete & accurate notation of what happened during the call
i. The exact domain name they are wanting us to register for them
ii. Specific amount they paid if they paid past due hosting
iii. Item numbers they are having issues with on their site
iv. Exact PayPal email address they are wanting from and to
d. Rep created cases correctly with all neccessary
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