How to activate free shipping

You can activate free shipping for your customers at your wish. Free shipping is a great idea for a promotion or special offer. 

Follow this documentation to learn how to activate free shipping.

Activating free shipping

First, login to your Magneto admin panel. 

Next, navigate to Marketing > Cart Price Rules

Cart Price Rules dictates the rules for your customers shopping carts. This is a powerful tool that you can get really creative with but for this example we will keep it simple and just enable free shipping sitewide. This means anyone who shops on your website will get free shipping on their order.

Next, you will need to add a new rule for free shipping. Click the Add New Rule button.

Rule Name: Give your rule or discount a name. Free shipping is a perfect name for this example.
Description: Describe your rule for future reference
Active: Dictate whether your rule for free shipping is active or not
Website: select Main Website
Customer Groups: Dictate what customer groups will get free shipping
Coupon: You don’t need a coupon but you can require a coupon code if you’d like

For the next fields you can dictate how many times a user can get free shipping (leave blank if unlimited) and determine the date range for your offer (leave blank if you want it forever)

Now click on Actions section and scroll down to free shipping dropdown. Click dropdown and select For matching items only.

Now make sure to save your work by clicking the Save button at top right. You may also want to clear your cache as well. 

Your customers will now get free shipping for your determined date range!